In 2023, a new ocean wave monitoring network was established for Canterbury. This collaborative project was funded by University of Canterbury and Environment Canterbury and developed with the help of our partners. Sofar Spotter wave buoys are being deployed at strategic locations to measure wave and weather conditions along the Canterbury coast. The Spotter buoys measure wave motions using GPS positioning and transmit their data via satellite or cell network.
This project aims to make wave data easily and freely accessible for everyone. Data is free to view and download and is open access. Our website shows live wave and weather data which is updated at least every 30 mins to an hour. If you are fishing, boating, surfing, or just wanting to check the coastal conditions, you can view in near real-time wave and weather data. A list of the parameters which the buoys measure can be found here.
Our network of buoys aims to capture the spatial variability in wave conditions that influence our whole open coastline. Our initial deployment has Spotter buoys placed offshore of Kaikoura, the Waimakariri river mouth, Rangitata river mouth, and Timaru Port, and we are excited to expand this network in future. Wave data will be used to help us better understand and predict coastal erosion and link shoreline change to wave and storm processes. It will also help to validate and inform model forecasts of storm wave impacts, coastal inundation warnings, and hazardous wave conditions. Establishing a long-term database of historic data will allow us to see how waves and storms change over time and determine the impacts climate change on wave conditions.
We hope that our wave monitoring network will help improve our understanding of coastal processes in Canterbury and be a useful resource for all.
This project is supported by our partners PrimePort Timaru, Fish and Game NZ, and Christchurch City Council who we thank for providing in-kind support and promotion of the buoy network. Our wave data can be used in conjunction with Environment Canterbury’s existing deepwater buoy which is located offshore of Le Bons Bay and has been collecting data since 1999. PrimePort Timaru also operate a Waverider buoy offshore of Timaru Harbour which provides live wave and weather data.

While reasonable efforts have been made to provide wave data across Canterbury, University of Canterbury and Environment Canterbury do not make any representation or give any warranty regarding the accuracy, completeness, currency or suitability of the data for any particular purpose available. To the extent permitted by law, University of Canterbury and Environment Canterbury shall not be liable for any loss, damage, cost or expense that may be occasioned directly or indirectly through the use of or reliance on the contents of this data we provide free for all. Note we provide the raw wave buoy data near real-time that has not been post processed to remove data spikes and will be subject to uncertainties.